The Five Most Popular Sodas in America

The amount of soda we drink in this country keeps going down every year, but NOT because we’re cutting it out to be healthier.  God forbid.  We’re just drinking more of the other unhealthy options, like Vitamin Water and Red Bull.


So when we DO drink soda, what do we go for?  “Beverage Digest” just released the top five most popular sodas from 2015.  Check ’em out here:


1.  Coca-Cola.

2.  Pepsi.

3.  Diet Coke. 

4.  Dr. Pepper.

5.  Mountain Dew.


The only change from 2014 is that Dr. Pepper passed Mountain Dew for fourth place.   The fastest-growing soda in America is Fanta.  It was up 8.3% last year, while almost every other brand dropped. 

