Five Random Facts For Friday

Here are some random facts for you.


1.  Human beings only started eating chickens about 2,200 years ago.  Before that, chickens were mostly used for other things, like cockfighting and ritual sacrifice.


2.  The federal government owns about 28% of the land in the United States, 640 million acres of the 2.27 billion acres.  Most of that is in the west and Alaska.


3.  The first song ever heard on the moon was Frank Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the Moon”Buzz Aldrin played it on a portable cassette player after he stepped onto the moon in 1969.


4.  The four biggest states without any major pro sports teams are Virginia, Alabama, South Carolina, and Kentucky.  Overall, 24 of the 50 states don’t have a pro sports team.


5.  JFK’S brain is missing.  It was stored in the National Archives after his assassination, but disappeared three years later and has been gone ever since.


(New York Times / FAS / Wikipedia / Wikipedia / Knowledge Nuts)