A Woman Found a Lizard in Her Spinach, Now It’s Her Daughter’s Classroom Pet

A 37-year-old woman named Sally Mabon was opening a bag of organic spinach last Tuesday in Princeton, New Jersey, when she found a three-inch LIZARD inside.


It wasn’t moving at first, so she thought it was dead.  But apparently it was just cold from being in the refrigerator.  Because she put it in a Tupperware container, poked holes in the top, and eventually it started moving.


Now, we see stories all the time about people losing their minds and SUING someone when this happens.  We’ll sue over pretty much anything these days.  There’s even a guy in Illinois right now who’s suing Papa John’s over 16 CENTS.


So it’s kind of refreshing when someone doesn’t immediately get their lawyer on the phone.  Sally says she wasn’t shocked, because she knows bugs and other small animals are more likely to show up in organic vegetables. 


So she let her daughter take it to kindergarten.  They named it “Green Fruit Loop,” and now it’s their class MASCOT.  And the organic grocery store where Sally bought the spinach isn’t even planning to apologize. 


The manager actually BRAGGED about it to the local news, and said the lizard wouldn’t have survived if the spinach wasn’t organic, because pesticides would have killed it.


(Here are two photos.)


(NJ.com / ABC News)