The Ages When You Have the Best Sex, Health, Finances, Career, and More

It’s a good thing all the big things in your life peak at different times.  If they all happened at once, the rest of your life would suck.  A new survey found when the average person has 10 different key milestones in their life.  Check ’em out here.


1.  Best dating life . . . age 24.

2.  Best health . . . age 30.

3.  Most confidence in your body . . . age 31.

4.  Best sex . . . age 32.

5.  Finding your “true love” . . . age 32.

6.  Happiest in your career . . . age 38.

7.  Happiest overall . . . age 39. 

8.  Most content in your relationship . . . age 40.

9.  Best salary . . . age 42.

10.  And most total wealth . . . age 47.


(Daily Mail)