Lifestyle Archives

A Mailman Saved a Guy’s Life, Then Finished Delivering the Mail

A 51-year-old mailman named George Clifford was driving in his mail truck near Pittsford, Vermont earlier this month.  And he found a 72-year-old guy lying on the side of the road with no pulse.  So he called 911, and they helped him do CPR.  He says he used to scuba dive a lot, and taught some water rescue courses at one point.  But he never actually had to do CPR on anyone, so he was pretty nervous.

The Five Types of Food We Share Pictures of the Most

We’ve all got at least a few friends who seem to be incapable of eating if they don’t take a photo of their food and share it first.  They’re why the term “food porn” exists.  A new study looked at the photos that had the “foodporn” hashtag on Instagram and figured out the five types of food Americans share pictures of the most.

Starbucks Will Donate 100% of Its Unsold Food to Food Banks

Starbucks has been donating things like leftover muffins to food banks for the past six years.  But for safety reasons, they couldn’t do it with things like sandwiches and salads that had to stay refrigerated. So they had to throw all that stuff out, even if it was still fine to eat.